The House System is intertwined with our 4 Character Pillars and its primary aims are:
With these aims in mind each House has the following 5 objectives, to:
Each of the four Houses have a staff House Leaders plus a number of student House Captains. There are three senior student positions within each House who are supported by Form and Vice Captains.
Each tutorial in Years 7 to 10 is attached to a House. Year 11 take less of a part in the system but remain as House Alumni. All staff members are assigned to a House.
Students are awarded House Points for activities in school, which include numerous inter-house competitions, extra-curricular activities and the upholding of the four Character Pillars of Learning, Service, Leadership and Participation.
The town and community of Droylsden has a long history of being industrious and having a commitment to achieving success through hard work and perseverance. It is no surprise that the town’s motto is ‘By Concord and Industry’. The town of Droylsden grew rapidly during the Industrial Revolution, due in part to the construction of large factories and cotton mills. Labour investors from the surrounding areas helped to increase the population. The mills of Droylsden were instrumental in turning a small farming community into the town we know today
One of Droylsden Academy’s key values is ‘Hard Work’. We felt it was important to tie the values of the school to the history of the town and its present community. The Houses are therefore named after four of the town’s factories.