Mental Health and Well Being

At Droylsden Academy, we recognise that young people face a number of barriers when it comes to their academic and personal development. Our aim is to identify and support each student’s individual needs to enable them to reach their potential both in school and at home.

How we can support students and their families with mental health and well being

Every morning each student receives a personal welcome at our front door. All of our students also have a form tutor to greet them each morning and monitor their welfare during tutorial sessions. During these sessions, staff will deliver the Pastoral Programme which includes a focus on mental health and well- being.  

As well as this, each year group has Pastoral team to support them with their learning and their personal development. Our Year Teams work closely with both students and their families to offer support wherever it may be needed, including working alongside external agencies who may also be able to offer support.

We support students through a Pastoral Support Plan, which is a document used to look at strengths and areas for development as well as what support students could access. This is used for  low level mental health and well-being circumstances. If more support is needed this is sought out  through an Early Help Assessment where a co-ordinated multi agency approach is needed.

Internally, we offer the On Board Centre provision to selected students who are experiencing exceptional circumstances. This is based on a referral system which is monitored by our Learning Support specialists.

The OBC is run by a team of trained staff who specialise in supporting students who are struggling with their own mental health and well being.
These staff are trained to monitor and assess the welfare of students when we see them and to offer support in school as well as signpost students and their families to support available outside of school.The team work closely with individual students to ensure that they can access their education and that external factors have the smallest possible impact on their learning. Our school also has access to three school counsellors that visit each week and meet 1:1 with students. Each student has the opportunity to attend 6 sessions. To access this service, students must be referred by a member of our Pastoral team.

We also have a school nurse who comes to school and meets with individual students. As well as addressing medical needs, our school nurse is able to discuss well-being and mental health concerns with students and their families and can offer support via external agencies.

Tameside also have a wide range of supportive organisations that are available to adults. If you feel as though you may benefit from some additional support with your own mental health or well being, please follow the information below: 

Healthy Minds

0161 716 4242

Treatment and support options for people struggling to cope with low mood, stress, anxiety, depression, or any mental health problems. The service can also support if there is a long-term physical health condition. Professional or self referrals. 

The Anthony Seddon Fund

Helping Tameside residents living with mental health illness.

Adult drop-in: Monday to Saturday between 12-4pm for the opportunity to chat and seek support.

Anthony Seddon Centre located at:

12 George Street,

For the drop in and activities. A range of supportive groups, e.g. a specialised ‘Bereavement by Suicide Support Group’ runs 2nd Monday of every month between 6.30 – 8.30pm. 


0161 330 9223

Local shop/café located on Katherine Street, Ashton-Under-Lyne. Groups for parents to attend in an informal setting. Information and resources available.  



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