Social, Emotional Health or Mental Health
This includes all those young people who experience significant periods of high anxiety, stress, distress or anger that affect their education.
It also includes young people who have a range of longer-term recognised ADHD or mental health conditions.
For both groups, issues can include:
- Forming and maintaining relationships.
- Bereavement.
- Attitudes to attainment.
- Attendance.
- Self-esteem.
- Life outside school.
What can Droylsden offer?
All students at Droylsden Academy can access
- Quality First teaching with appropriate differentiation.
- Access to homework support clubs.
- Access to assessment for identification of significant needs.
- Whole school Central Reward System.
- Whole school policy for behaviour management with graduated response.
- Key Stage transition support.
- Anti-bullying policy.
Support for individual students may include
- 1:1 mentoring.
- Counselling.
- Outside agency input (eg. Educational Psychologist, Early Help, Healthy Young Minds).
- Flexible timetables/On Board Centre provision.
- In-class support for students at risk of exclusion.
- Personal Support Plan- support for students at risk of permanent exclusion.
- Support from School Nurse.
- Child Looked After support.
Targeted support for small groups may include:
- Summer school- Year 6 into 7 .
- Learning Support Centre lunchtime drop-in/permanent pass.
- Year 7 transition support.
- In-class support in some lessons.
- Year 11 support with college applications and career paths.
- Lego/Art Therapy, Social Skills, Zones of regulation and other tailored interventions available.