Learning in the Curriculum

Key Stage 3 (Year 7, 8 and 9)

The National Curriculum is covered and exceeded at Key Stage 3 with the following subjects taught:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • MFL (French or Spanish)
  • Technology
  • Art
  • Computing
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Dance
  • PE/Sport
  • Religious Studies
  • Technology and Art are taught on a rotational basis to enable all students to experience a variety of subject areas including: Food and Nutrition, Computing and Art.
  • Art 1 hour per week for Y7 and 8
  • Tech and food Y7 and Y81 hour per week for two 10 week blocks
  • Y9 2 hours every other week for 20 weeks in Tech, food and art then 1 lesson a week in Art for the rest of the year and 1 hour a week in food and tech for 10 week blocks.

Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11)

The curriculum in Years 10 and 11 gives students more choice but within an overall framework that ensures they enjoy a broad and balanced education. All students follow a common core of subjects and supplement this with option choices. A structured guidance programme ensures that option choices meet the needs of the individual student.

Core Subjects at KS4: These are the subjects that all students study at Droylsden Academy:

  • English Language and Literature
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Core PE

PSHE is taught through our Pastoral Programme which includes sessions in Learning Tutorial, assemblies and drop down days. Our termly themes are carefully chosen to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and personal development of our students and there is also a comprehensive Careers Education Information and Guidance Programme for all students. 

Option subjects include the following (these are subject to change each year and are dependent on the needs and wishes of students):

History, Geography, Religious Studies, French, Spanish, Computer Science, Drama, Art & Design, Photography, PE/Sport, Performing Arts, Music, Dance, Food and Nutrition, Health & Social Care, Psychology, Triple Science and ICT

All subjects at KS4 are taken at Level 2: GCSE or BTEC

Students at Droylsden Academy are encouraged to complete The English Baccalaureate. This is awarded to any student who secures good GCSE passes (5 – 9) in ALL of the following subjects:

  • English Language or Literature
  • Maths
  • Science or Computer Science
  • A Modern Foreign Language
  • A Humanities subject (History or Geography)