Learning Literacy
My child has difficulties with learning and literacy
This can include:
- Reading and spelling
- Learning new information and concepts
- Working with numbers
- Working memory
- Concentration
- Students may have Special Educational Needs and some may have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
- Students may present with difficulties that do not have a specific title
What can Droylsden offer?
All students at Droylsden Academy can access
- High quality and impactful classroom teaching with appropriate scaffolding to allow students to progress
- Visual aids to support key vocabulary, concepts and themes
- Access to homework support clubs
- Access to assessment for identification of significant needs
- Dedicated and caring staff who value all students regardless of ability
- Weekly reading lessons at key stage 3
- Explicit teaching of vocabulary across the curriculum
Support for targeted groups of students may include:
- Small group lessons that focus on a range of needs such as literacy (including our Lexonik Leap reading programme which targets phonics deficits and Lexonik Advance which rapidly improves reading, spelling, vocabulary and comprehension)
- Support from external agencies
- Teaching Assistant support in some lessons
- Targeted lunch time clubs for vulnerable students
Targeted individual support many include:
- Targeted, specific intervention led by a specialist teacher or higher level Teaching Assistant
- Support from external agencies
- Appropriate testing for students with literacy difficulties to review and plan
- Subject-specialist Teaching Assistants in key subjects to provide on-going support
- Exam Access Arrangements
- Post 16 Transition support