Ofsted Report

Droylsden Academy is delighted to share the findings of His Majesty’s Inspectors following their ungraded inspection of our school on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th September 2022.

His Majesty’s Inspectors report:

  • Pupils are proud to attend Droylsden Academy;
  • Pupils are happy and accepting of each other’s differences … the school is a place where they can be themselves;
  •  Pupils feel safe in school … there is always someone that they can talk to;
  • Bullying is rare and when it does happen it is dealt with quickly;
  • Teachers’ expectations of pupils’ behaviour and academic achievement are high … pupils rise to these standards;
  • Pupils behave well and work hard … they are well prepared for life in modern Britain;
  • Pupils are expected to develop their character and confidence … they develop leadership skills;
  • Pupils benefit from an extensive range of extra-curricular clubs;
  • There is a carefully designed, broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum … thought has gone into the knowledge that students must learn;
  • Teachers are successful in helping pupils to deepen their understanding of ideas and concepts across the curriculum … teachers think carefully about how to teach new subject content … effective support helps pupils remember more over time;
  • Continuous training and development is prioritised;
  • Teachers receive quality information about pupils with SEND…. teachers use effective strategies to adapt learning for these pupils;
  • Teachers prioritise the development of pupils’ subject-specific vocabulary … they also encourage a love of reading;
  • An extensive programme of pastoral support and life lessons ensures that pupils learn about healthy relationships and the wider world;
  • A strong culture of safeguarding permeates this school … there are effective systems in place to identify pupils who may be at risk of harm.

The full inspection report can be found here 
This latest Ofsted report is testament to the hard work and efforts of students and staff and the unwavering support of parents / carers and Governors. 

Thank you to the many parents and carers who gave positive feedback to Inspectors during their visit. 
We remain relentless in our mission to ensure that our students receive the very best education, personal development and pastoral care. 
