Newsflash – Friday 8th February 2019

In this week's edition of Newsflash, we remember and pay tribute to Year 7 student Taylor Schofield, following his funeral last week – Taylor, you will be missed but you will never be forgotten.

Also in the news this week;

  • Year 9 students studying GCSE Engineering attend Tameside College
  • Year 10 students take on the UK Maths Challenge
  • Assemblies – Character Pillars
  • Charity Work – Students visit the Christie Hospital to look at the work that is carried out using the money raised through donations and charity events
  • Using Social Media safely
  • GCSE Countdown – Year 11 – 65 school days left until your first GCSE exam
  • Two Academy students passed their first award in the Pupil Librarian Awards last week and graduated from being Student Library Assistants to Student Librarians
  • Book of the Week – ‘The Rest of Us Just Live Here’ by Patrick Ness
  • Student of the Week – Rosie McCormick from Year 8 and Mary Ogunmoroti from Year 10
  • ‘Feel Unstoppable’ programme was launched with Year 11 students
  • Children's Mental Health Week
  • Harry Potter Mastermind!
  • Dates for your Diary
