After Droylsden – Information for Students, Parents and Carers

A brief overview of what the offer is for students in each year group. More detail can be found on here

Year 7

Students develop their self-awareness and know where to look for useful information and plan for the future. Students are encouraged to be reflective and identify their strengths and weaknesses. They also have an introduction to post-16 and post 18 options,

Year 8

Students identify preferences that are appropriate to their interests and talents and potential careers. They also have opportunities to practice budgeting and through the ‘Tenner Challenge’.

They are introduced to Local Market Information, different employment sectors and jobs in these sectors. They also develop their knowledge of post 16/18 options including apprenticeships.

Year 9

Students to understand more about themselves, find out about careers and the world of work, and plan for their future. They consider their own employability skills and consider the workplaces of the future. Students are re-introduced to Local Market Information and from where it can be obtained. They consider their option choices, making choices with their Post 16 careers in mind. Please see below for more information regarding options.

Year 10

Students are supported with the writing of a CV, preparing for interviews, and completing application forms. Assemblies are arranged and delivered by a range of providers to ensure that students are aware of the options available. They are also taught about financial literacy. Students also have 1:1 interviews with a qualified and independent Careers Adviser and given access to employers and educators via our Future’s Evening.

Year 11

Students identify a range of post-16 pathways and make informed choices about their future. Students complete final application forms (supported by Tutors and their Heads of Year), prepare CVs and personal statement and prepare for interviews. Students also have 1:1 interviews with a qualified and independent Careers Adviser and are given opportunities to interact with representatives from a large number of local and national colleges, universities, employers and training providers to find out more about what they can offer.

Year 9 Options

GCSE Option Choices – Dos and Don’ts

Year 9 will chose their GCSE options in March. In advance of this, students will receive information and advice from a range of sources in school including our careers advisor, senior management, subject teachers and form teachers. Parents will be kept up to date with the process and will also have an opportunity to find out more about options and ask any questions at our year 9 parents Option Evening in March. Here are some tips when thinking about and choosing GCSE options.


  1. DO find out whether any career you have in mind requires GCSE subjects besides the compulsory ones (English, Science, Maths….)
  2. DO assess honestly whether the subjects you enjoy most are actually among your strongest
  3. DO consider selecting a wide-range of GCSE subjects to keep open as many career avenues as possible
  4. DO identify any differences between assignment marks and exam grades in your current subjects, as nearly all GCSE assessment is now by exam


  1. DO NOT opt for any GCSE subject just because your friends are or chose a subject at GCSE because you got on really well with the teacher in year 9. This may not be your teacher at GCSE
  2. DO NOT overlook any subject for GCSE which you may want (or need) to take at A Level – in most cases, the first is required to begin the second

Feedback from Parents

We really value your feedback on our careers programme and careers content on our website. Please complete this online feedback form or contact directly with your comments.

Education and training options for 16-18 year-olds and beyond

The table below shows your education journey through secondary school and beyond should you wish to stay in education post 16 and 18. Here you can see the qualifications within the different levels of education. For example, you will leave school after year 11 with your GCSEs. These qualifications are a Level 2 qualification. Should you go on to study A Levels, you will be studying for a Level 3 qualification, and so on.

Post 16 Options

Unless you choose to start employment straight away then you are likely to stay in education

Essentially, there are two routes: Academic or Vocational.


Often courses take part in the workplace, arming students with the ability to apply new knowledge to real-life situations straight away, as well as learning interpersonal skills through working in a team with colleagues.


This involves more traditional study at an institution and involves students taking A Levels where they will specialise in a number of subjects, usually three or four. Many students who pursue A Levels then go on to University where they complete a degree usually over 3 or 4 years. Some areas of study like medicine or architecture take even longer.

If you choose to stay in education then, whichever rout e you take, you are likely to apply to college. We are fortunate to have a number of excellent colleges in this area and they will all have Open Days/Evenings throughout the year.

Watch the Newsflash for the dates and you make sure you visit their websites.

Things to consider:

  • Does the college offer the things that you need for your career plan?
  • What grades are required to undertake the course(s) offered?
  • Consider the application process and deadline dates. You may need to apply as soon as possible. You may also get called in for an interview, do assessment tests and taster days.
  • You will probably have to pay some material fees for books or resources – you can ask for help from college towards this based on family income.
  • Consider travel – think about costs of bus, time involved travelling.

2024 College Open Events

  • Clarendon Sixth Form College – 30th September; 18th November 2024
  • Tameside College – 30th September; 12th October; 18th November 2024
  • Ashton Sixth Form College – 24th September 2024
  • Access Creative College – 12th October 2024
  • The Manchester College –  8th October 2024
  • The Growth Company – TBC
  • Loreto College – TBC
  • Pendleton Sixth Form College – 21st September; 31st October 2024
  • Connell College – TBC
  • Xaverian College – 5th October; 13th October; 11th December 2024

Apprenticeship information for parents.

Confused about what you would like to do?

  • Book an appointment with our on-site Career Advisor, Lee Jackson – ljackson
  • Look at local college prospectus to see what is available just to start thinking.
  • Look at the Apprenticeship website

Look at the Post 16 sections on our website for further information.

Useful websites for students*

*Links to colleges (including open day dates), training providers and apprenticeship websites are available in those sections

Useful websites for parents*

*Links to colleges (including open day dates), training providers and apprenticeship websites are available in those sections

Resources for students

Resources for Parents

Information for Students

Confused about what you want to do? Make sure you click on the links on this page to investigate a variety of career options.